Sunday, January 1, 2012

SpecialKK's Favorite Things

So...since, January is really a bummer month..I figured I would give you 31 days of my FAVORITE THINGS!!! Every day will be a new post on 31 THINGS that make me happy, and makes living life...a little easier;)

#1 on my list belongs to the guys from little vinyl figures, whether they come in the form of bobble-head or not!?!?, makes no difference; they're simply FUN!! Any of your favorite pop culture characters are brought to life. Everything from Santa to Disney to Michael Myers gets "funk'd" at, or around $8.95 each. I'm totally addicted to them..they make me smile, and bring back the expense of a lunch out=) So, pass on that Cobb Salad and add a little FUNKO to your life!!!